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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Data obtained in this research is to conduct library research and the data relatingData collection techniques or literature is a literature review. Secondary data, ie data gathered from the hand of both or from other sources that are willing to before the study is done. The primary data is obtained directly on data collected from actual situation when events are linked to the implementation of a revolving fund that is implemented by the government. The object of research revolving fund with research subjects is a revolving fund in the perspective of Islamic economics. Menurut Sadono Sukirno mengemukakan pendapatan adalah penghasilan yang diterimaĪbstract: This research method is a library reseach with the normative approach, namely by reviewing the concept, economic theories related to the issues discussed. Institusi Pasar dan Hisbah: Teori Pasar dalam Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam


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This issue is very complex but interesting to be studied. For women in the village who do not have a higher education and do not have a lot of skills, international mobility is a golden opportunity to improve their families' income.

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Migration is marked by international mobility occurs due to population growth which is not matched by the growth of employment.

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